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savehumanity is my appeal to everyone to build a positive culture of belonging, collaboration and celebration: Ranaksh Rana

savehumanity is my appeal to everyone to build a positive culture of belonging, collaboration and celebration: Ranaksh Rana

A few days back, actor Ranaksh Rana, who is making his Bollywood debut with “The Mentor”, shared an interesting post on his Instagram handle which will make you wonder if we are really losing the little bit of humanity left in us, and becoming more sadistic by the day.

His post read, “The thing on my mind today is #SaveHumanity. Not in terms of the human race, but humanity in the human race. Why has hate become the primary narrative? Why is insecurity leading the strategy? Because of this general mistrust, we are killing our own. We are hurting fellow humans. Can we not instead educate people and find ways to move forward as a unit? Can we not hurt innocents? Just saying.”

Ranaksh has never been one to mince his words, and while explaining it he said, “#savehumanity is my appeal to everyone to build a positive culture of belonging, collaboration and celebration. The general air is of fight, mistrust and even the bystanders are getting affected. I wish for a more educated and empowered society and not the one which teaches through violence or aggression. Our civilization has taught us to make things better with just the power of our mind. I want to bring back that level of confidence in self and individual thoughts.”

Not just that, he would like to launch a platform where people can share their stories which can set an example for others in society. He said, “Save humanity can be a collective story of how people are playing their part in saving humanity, in whatever way they interpret humanity.”

However, his intent is not to gain publicity out of it, but to make people understand the need of the hour. “I genuinely feel that it’s my individual responsibility and should be everyone’s to bring out a positive impact in whichever way we can. Any change starts small and from an individual before it becomes a wave,” Ranaksh concluded.